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     Stained-glass art did originate in the Carolingian era (7th century). The oldest known stained-glass was discovered in France (dated 7th century). It was rather a component of a jewelry piece (most probably a part of a reliquary). A little bit later, in 9th century in Germany, stained-glasses showing the image of a Christ were made. Those discoveries indicate a close relationship between stained-glass art and Christianity. Stained-glasses accompanied Christianity for several centuries and they continue doing that in nowadays.

      Since hundred years a man who attempted to create an appropriate atmosphere in the church aimed at facilitating his contact with the God, recognized a very substantial role of light in that process. One can read in the Holy Bible:”The Lord is the Truth, because He is the Light and there is no any darkness in Him” (1 John 1,5). So, we can notice that light and color can be and they really are subjects of permanent human consideration touching matters of a fundamental value.

    Application, and in fact, invention of stained-glasses in sacral art was for sure deliberately done and consequently, stained-glasses were used in almost all churches for several centuries.

Application of stained-glasses in churches seems to be natural and usually it appears as a first association of stained-glass art. However the application of stained-glasses in tombstones/tombstone monuments is rather innovatory.

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Latos Art Glass Studio, ul. Majewskiego 28, 42-530 Dąbrowa Górnicza, tel. (32) 729 85 46, mobile: 502 206 711, e-mail: biuro@latos.com.pl

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